Tuesday, October 23, 2012


1. Who did you work with and how did you manage the task between you?
Arianna Tipper and Anna Rawe. We split up the responsibilities with each of us taking on different roles in order to complete the task. We took turns filming and editing, and divided the planning, with a different person working on the shoot schedule, storyboard and shot list.t

2. How did you plan your sequence? What processes did you use? What theories did you try and take into account?
We planned our sequence thinking about the genre we wanted to create, the events we wanted to show taking place, partially acting it out and working out locations. We decided on the Horror/Thriller genre, so we thought about films of this genre we'd previously seen. From this, we established we would use a dark setting, with high key lighting, with clear characters which are associated with this genre. From our brief we knew we needed to include particular shot types, so we devised a shot list appropriately.

3. What technology did you use to complete the task, and how did you use it?
A video camera (Canon DV30) and tripod- to film the sequence,
Adobe Premier Pro- to edit the sequence,
A PAG light- to light our shots, since we were using a dark setting.

4. What factors did you have to take into account when planning, shooting and editing?
We had to think about what was possible, within the constraints of the time we had and resources available.  This meant considering our actors, props, costumes, locations and events when planning out sequence. During shooting we had to be aware of our spacial allowance, the natural lighting of the location, background noise, keeping to the rules and the time in which we had to film. Since we were working on continuity, this was a very important thing to think about when shooting, as we had to ensure the location and costumes would not differ between shots, we also had to follow the plans we'd already made. During editing we again had to be aware of continuity, editing the shots together in the correct places to achieve a match on action, and ensuring the sequence made sense. Another thing we had to consider was whether what we'd story boarded would actually work out in a video, and whether we'd have to make any changes.

5. How successful was your sequence? Please identify what worked well, and with hindsight, what would you improve/do differently?
I think our sequence was successful, as it made sense, and the Horror/Thriller genre was obvious. We achieved a match on action, shot reverse shot and complied with the 30degree, and 180degree rules. All our shots fitted together well, and without delay between dialogue. A problem we encountered was the fact that due to our location, we were unable to film the two characters in relation to each other, however we felt that the location was something we needed to concentrate more, as the confined space added to the tension of our piece along with establishing the genre. In hindsight, I think we would film a wider variety of angles of the same shot, so that there would be a greater variety between the shots in the sequence, however we would need to plan this in advance. Another thing which could improve our sequence, would be a better quality of acting, this could be achieved by rehearsing in advance, and having a greater number of actors to pick from.

6. What have you learnt from completing this task? Looking ahead, how will this learning be significant when completing the rest of your foundation coursework, do you think?
From  this task, I've learnt more about filming and editing, from the point of view of us creating a film, rather than an advert, which is all the video work we'd previously done. I realised that in this task, we had a lot more to think about in terms of the order we shot in, and whether or not we'd altered anything between scenes. It was a lot harder than any video work we'd previously done, and I think this prepared us well, and was a good learning task before we have to make our film openings. Any problems we encountered this time around, or mistakes we made can be rectified and improved as we work on the rest of our coursework.

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