Monday, October 8, 2012

BLK3- Continuity Sequence

Our very first shooting task of AS Level Media was to create a 6 shot sequence of an Accident. We had to film the shots in the order they would be shown, and we weren't allowed to edit the shots together, so what appears here is exactly what we shot.

Our Accident
We planned to show a girl walking, and tripping onto a boy sitting down, ending with a tense romantic 'meeting'. Our first shot was a long establishing shot, showing the girl exiting the building, distractedly looking in her bag, followed by a MS pan as she continues walking past. The next shot is a tilted close up showing her foot tripping over an umbrella, followed by two shots of her falling, from different angles, with the second including the boy she is about to fall on. We finished with a close up shot of the boy and girl looking at each other.

We attempted to create a match on action.
Tilted shot creates a sense of disorientation and adds diversity
The shots linked together quite well, and the overall story did make sense.
The first shot established setting, and story (distracted rummaging leading to a trip)
Continuously kept on one side of the action.
I think our panning shot as the girl walks past is good, and effectively conveys what is going on.

On either end of each shot, there was more time than needed, leading to awkward cuts and lack of synchronicity  leading to us not creating an exact match on action, though we tried to.
Jump cut to last shot.
Last shot is too static and doesn't fit in with the other shots of movement.
The falling shots are too similar

This is an edited version of our continuity sequence, as you can see it makes a lot more sense, as most of the excess video between each shot has been edited out, allowing the whole sequence to flow a lot better and make a lot more sense.

 I think we did quite well for a first attempt, especially as I thought this task was quite difficult. However there are obviously a lot of improvements to make, and I will bear these in mind in our next project.

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