This is a well known American comedy film starring Lindsay Lohan and Rachel McAdams, the clip I've chosen is one of the most memorable and famous scenes from the film.FILM-MAKING CONVENTIONS
-Set in an American high school cafeteria- typical setting, white, clean, set with tables and chairs.-Students look typical of an American high school- clip features a voice over narrative explaining the types of social clique, these cliques are typical of the comedy, rom com genre, and will be familiar to teenagers across the world.
-Upbeat musical track
-Voiced over by character: Janis Ian
-Begins with a hand drawn map, fades into actual film of the students
-High school slang clique names
-Centres around stereotypes of highschool cliques
-Ends with the most important and influential group, leading into the next scene and dialogue exchange
-Quick blurred sweeping camera motion between groups of people
-High school, fitting in-Sterotypical 'Queen Bee'
-Stereyipcal behaviour from each table eg. Girls eating, couples kissing- entire clip is based on recognisable stereotypes, these are recognisable to audiences from all over the world, not just those already exposed to the American high school environment
-Heroines attire: shirt and jeans, tomboy, dressed down, shy, doesn't want to draw attention to herself
-Plastics attire: fashionable, tight clothing, perfectly styled hair and make up- effort taken in their appearance, clearly are the girls who everyone aspires to be like (esp, the 'wannabees')
-Cafeteria, an everyday regular setting